Q | Do I need to register for GST? |
A | You, or your business entity, will be required to register for GST if your turnover in any 12-month period exceeds, or is expected to exceed, $60,000. If your business turnover is less than $60,000 you have the option of registering for GST. |
Q | Do I need to deduct paye from my employee? |
A | All employers must deduct paye from all remuneration paid to employees. As an employer you must pay the Inland Revenue Department the paye deducted by the due date. |
Q | Do I need to file a tax return? |
A | Generally an individual does not need to file a tax return if their only income is from salary or wages, which has had paye deducted from it, New Zealand interest or dividends |
Q | When would I be considered a New Zealand tax resident? |
A | Generally individuals are considered a New Zealand tax resident if:
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Phone: +64 3 374 5448
Fax: +64 3 374 5449
Email: info@hookerca.co.nz
Physical Address:
4 Bounty Street
Christchurch 8053
New Zealand
Postal Address:
PO Box 4415
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand